This afternoon, Ronan was reading Diary of a Wimpy Kid to me and came across a term he just couldn't grasp; 'Seating Chart.' I explained to him how seating charts at school work and Ronan responded with "Bummer."
This sort of culture shock is a fairly common occurrence in our home. Noah was very amused when he first learned of bathroom passes. The idea of needing permission to use the bathroom! Even worse, the thought that permission might actually be denied! And the first time my older four saw a locker room shower at Grandpa's school the shock was overwhelming. (Now we are members of the Y, so the younger Enrights are very aware that locker rooms have their very own rules of propriety that just don't mesh with societal rules outside of a locker room. It is still shocking though.) Currently the kids have been discussing the disgrace of one 16 minute recess a day (a fact they apparently picked up from someone at church).