Monday, February 14, 2011

The Beach in February

You know what Kris and I did this weekend?

We walked on the beach. A lot.

And took pictures of seals.

And sea lions.

And sunsets.

And multi-million dollar homes on the beach.

And collected sand dollars. And ate cheesecake for lunch. And slept in the sun (maybe that was just me). And walked on the beach some more. And laughed just a little at the women in their bikinis and Ugg boots. Why do you own any kind of boot at all if you live in San Diego? And ate frozen yogurt for dinner. And tried really hard to make our 3 ounce bottle of sunscreen last 3 days. It didn't. And bought chocolate at Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory--in San Diego. And laughed a lot at the road sign that said "Move Only on Green." Except, apparently, that road sign was necessary. And walked on the beach some more.

You know what our kids did?

They went to school and work. They played Apples to Apples. And PS3. And watched movies. And ate macaroni and cheese. And pizza. And goofed around a lot on Skype for their parents' amusement. And generally took care of one another and the house, and while I am sure they are covering for one another a bit, everyone seems to have mostly gotten along. And, except for a few bumps Fionn was sure to point out to us, everyone seems to be in one piece too.

1 comment:

  1. Shannon, I'm so jealous. I love seals and sea lions I've always wanted to see them "for real" not in a zoo or aquarium. The whole weekend sounds lovely!
