Friday, February 3, 2012

No Snow Days Here

Today is a snow day for our local school district.  I won't mention that there is approximately 3 inches of snow on the ground or that the streets are relatively clear and perfectly navigable... the powers that be in school district 11 have declared it a snow day, and thus it is.  Snow days are a bit of a conundrum in our school.  The basic logic of a snow day is that it is too cold or too unsafe to get kids to and from school, so they should stay home warm and safe right?  Not really a concern when school is at home.  I know some homeschoolers take snow days with the public school kids and treat it as a holiday.  We really don't.  I mean, seriously, if I get to be in charge of when we have school and when we don't, I would way rather take off the beautiful sunny days and go play outside than to declare a free day on a day when they are most likely trapped indoors most of the day.  Which is why on Tuesday when the temperature was over 60, my kids could be found happily bouncing on the trampoline and playing in their playhouse most of the afternoon, but today they are

Ha ha!  You thought they were doing math didn't you?  See, it's Friday, which at our house is always a day off of school.  But the reason it is a day off is because it is the day we clean.  So there you have secret to why no one protests my 'no snow-days' policy, it is because I have trained them all that a day off of school means a day of intense cleaning and wouldn't you rather do math too?  I would.

Don't feel too badly for them, the little ones are currently having a cartoon break, and this evening they all get pizza and movies.  Not too shabby a trade off for a few hours of cleaning.

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